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Say Goodbye to Vaccine Overwhelm & Take Control of Your Child's Vaccine Plan Today With...

The Vaccine Empowerment Program (VEP)

I'm Ready →

Based on hours of vaccine research and a proven strategy that we've used with hundreds of patients in our clinical practice.

*Now Updated with RSV Info for Kids

As a mom who's swimming upstream in a river of conflicting vaccine information, we get it. 

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WebMd doesn’t help
(who’s got time to sift through all that content anyway?)

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Well-intentioned family & friends offer conflicting information leaving you more confused.

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Your healthcare providers are scaring you.

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Let's flip that (medical) script and empower you with vaccine-decision making tools so you: 

⮕ Choose the safest option for your child.

⮕ Arm yourself with a detox and immune protocol plan.

⮕ Confidently act to increase optimal efficacy and decrease adverse reactions.

⮕ Choose which vaccines to give or not to your child based on fact, not fear or peer pressure.

⮕ Communicate your choices with your pediatrician without feeling intimidated.

⮕ Stand firm in your commitment to the health and wellness of your individual child.

Meet the Creators of the Vaccine Empowerment Program for Moms

 We are two mothers on a mission to educate parents on vaccine information and safety.

Even with our extensive medical training as naturopathic doctors, we too felt overwhelmed, scared, and hesitant when it came to making a vaccine plan for our own children. We knew if we were overwhelmed, we weren't alone.

So after the hundreds of hours of our own vaccine research, we designed a proven strategy that we've used with hundreds of patients in clinical practice. We believe in evaluating each child's risk factors and guiding parents in making informed choices based on their child's needs.

You should not have to make these challenging choices alone. We invite you to take our step-by-step approach through vaccine decision making, so it no longer feels overwhelming or fearful. We are here to support you each step of the way in feeling informed and empowered!

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Here’s how you’ll go from struggling with overwhelm to feeling in charge of your child’s vaccine schedule


We’ve laid out all the steps in...

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A step by step, zero stress program for moms who want to...


✔️ Make an informed & safe decision for your child's vaccine plan.

✔️ Shield your child’s immune system with natural medicine (even if you don’t vaccinate them).


Here is How the Vaccine Empowerment Program (VEP) Unfolds:

Module 1

The Decision Making Process

By the end of this module, you’ll:

  • Have a visual guide so that you know what steps are needed if you choose to vaccinate or choose not to vaccinate
  • You’ll be able to clear away the overwhelming amount of information and finally get a simple birdseye view of the plan ahead
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Module 2

Assessing Risk Factors

By the end of this module, you’ll:

  • Understand if your child is at low or high risk for exposure to each disease
  • Understand if your child is at low or high risk for an adverse vaccine reaction
  • Take a Risk Factor Quiz so you can rate your child’s overall risk level
  • Have what you need to create a plan that fits your child’s unique individual
    needs rather than a one size fits all plan
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Module 3

The 3 R's to Understanding Each Vaccine

By the end of this module, you’ll: 

  • Learn how to weed through the overwhelming amount of information and focus on the most pertinent points for each vaccine using our 3R strategy: Route, Rate, and Risk 
  • Have immediate access to already-done-for-you 3R strategy guides and videos for all of the childhood vaccines: Hepatitis B, Hepatitis A, DTAP/TDAP, Hib, Polio, Varicella, MMR, Pneumococcal, Rotavirus, Flu, COVID-19 and RSV.
  • Be able to weigh the risks and benefits of each vaccine quicker than you ever thought was possible 
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Module 4

Choosing the Best Vaccine Brands

By the end of this module, you’ll:

  • Learn all the different ingredients included in each vaccine so you know exactly what's going into your child's body
  • Understand that not all brands are alike and that some are safer and more effective than others
  • Have an easy-to-access list of preferred brands so if you choose to vaccinate you can feel empowered knowing you have a say in which brand to request from your doctor
  • Know your child is getting the best option available
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Module 5

Creating Your Child's Vaccine Schedule

By the end of this module, you’ll:

  • Understand how state laws can impact your child's vaccine schedule in order to meet school vaccine requirements
  • Understand and choose one of the 16 outlined schedules that best fits your child’s risk levels, age, and school plans
  • Feel empowered with a customized plan that works for your child instead of a one-size-fits-all plan
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Module 6

Supporting Your Child Before & After Each Vaccine

By the end of this module, you’ll:

  • Have a step-by-step protocol to start before and continue after each vaccine 
  • Have peace of mind knowing you are doing everything you can to help aid in detoxification and more importantly, support your child’s immune system 
  • Know what to avoid giving your child before and after each vaccine to minimize side effects
  • Have confidence knowing you are doing everything you can to mitigate harmful effects while optimizing vaccine efficacy with a protocol that has helped thousands of kids
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Module 7

Keeping Your Child Safe & Resilient With or Without Vaccines

By the end of this module, you’ll:

  • Understand that with or without vaccines, your child is never 100% protected from disease
  • Learn practical tips you can start right away to keep your child safe and resilient - whether vaccinated or not
  • Have access to our master checklist that will guide you in feeling confident that you are doing the very best for your child's overall health and shielding them from harmful diseases
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To Support Your Learning Path in VEP, You Get:


âś” Pre-recorded video tutorials to watch at your own pace. These pre-recorded teachings go deep into everything you need to know to become well informed and educated in order to make the best choices for your individual child. 

âś” Downloadable premium guides that summarize content material for easy reference. These downloadable guides summarize key takeaways from each video teaching, so you have a go-to references when you need it quickly. 

âś” 3 Pre-recorded Office Hours Calls with Dr. Elana and Dr. Ari.  On these calls, Dr. Elana and Dr. Ari answered the most pressing vaccine questions related to this course. 

âś” Yearly Program Updates. We make updates annually with new research, statistics, and new data points. Up-to-date information is needed in order for parents to feel well-informed and empowered. We do the work for you.

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“You’ll feel good about making vaccine-related decisions for your family”

" If you are feeling scared about decisions around vaccines, this program does a really good job of breaking down everything concerning this topic so that you can develop a schedule that works for your family, you know what the problematic ingredients in vaccines are and what to do about them.  At the end of the program you walk away feeling empowered about all of the knowledge you obtained and you feel good about making decisions for your family concerning vaccines. "

Akilah S

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That's not all!

You Also Get These BONUS LESSONS to Boost Your "I'm Vaccine Ready" Confidence

(Total Value Over $1000)
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BONUS #1: A Deep Dive Into How Vaccines Work and Impact Immune Health.

In this bonus, you get a pre-recorded video teaching you what happens in your child’s body after each vaccine is given. Knowing how vaccines work and how they impact the immune system will help you make informed choices for your child. By the end, you will feel empowered and informed with this knowledge.

$347 VALUE

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BONUS #2: A Deep Dive Into How Vaccines Impact Neurological Health

In this bonus you get a pre-recorded video on how vaccines can impact neurological health. There is a specific focus on Autism helping to answer parents pressing questions on how the role of vaccines may contribute. By the end, you will feel empowered knowing the most up to date research, so you are informed about making vaccine choices.

$347 VALUE

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BONUS #3: TDAP Detox and Immune Protocol During Pregnancy

For pregnant moms this bonus is a must! You will be offered the TDAP vaccine during pregnancy. If you choose to get this vaccine you will want this pre and post detox and immune protocol.


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BONUS #4: Scripts to Help Talk About Your Plan.

In this bonus, you will have a guide and a 15-minute video training reviewing scripts to effectively and confidently talk to your spouse, friends, community, and doctor about your vaccine plan. By the end, you will feel empowered to enter these sometimes challenging conversations knowing you have the tools and resources to support you. 


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BONUS #5: 15% off All Supplements.

This is a bonus to you to access high-quality professional-grade supplements at a discounted price. The benefit of providing your family with superior-grade products will improve their health for a lifetime! This is your one-stop-shop where you can get our entire vaccine detox and immune protocol along with supplements for your entire family’s needs. Your discount is automatically applied to every order.

$100+ VALUE


​​Instant Access. Trusted by Hundreds of Families.

"I don't feel like I just have to blindly trust the experts"

It really is empowering to be able to understand the disease, the vaccines, as well as the "rules" for vaccination schedules for school. I don't feel like I just have to "blindly trust the experts" because I now have an understanding for these complicated topics! This is such great information for every parent!

Katelyn D.


Become your family's most well-informed and educated advocate with the Vaccine Empowerment Program


Pay Once and Save

Join Now for $997

50% Off $498.50

  • Immediate Access
  • 16 Pre-Recorded Videos
  • 24 Downloadable Handouts
  • 3 Pre-Recorded Office Hour Calls
  • 5 Bonus Offers
  • Discount off Vaccine Detox + Immune Supplements
  • Annual Updates
  • Lifetime Access to Program Material
Make One Payment of $498.50


3 Month Payment Plan

Join Now for $379/month

50% Off $189.50/month

  • Immediate Access
  • 16 Pre-Recorded Videos
  • 24 Downloadable Handouts
  • 3 Pre-Recorded Office Hour Calls
  • 5 Bonus Offers
  • Discount off Vaccine Detox + Immune Supplements
  • Annual Updates
  • Lifetime Access to Program Material
Make Three Payments of $189.50
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Risk nothing when enrolling in the Vaccine Empowerment Program

We are so passionate about making a difference for families, we want to make it an easy “yes” for you!

If you are on the fence… or other programs out there have left you feeling skeptical… then I want to give you EVERY opportunity to put the Vaccine Empowerment Program into action and see how easy it is to reduce overwhelm and feel empowered about your vaccine options. 

And here’s how we will prove it to you…

Enroll now. Watch the teachings. Review the guides. Listen to other parents' frequently asked questions and learn from us, doctors. If you don’t agree that you are getting far more value than what you paid, email us at [email protected], within 30 days, and we will refund you without hesitation.

Note: We provide refunds within 30 days of purchase minus a $30 administrative fee.

"My husband and I feel more confident and aligned in the vaccine decisions we are making for our child."

After completing the program together, my husband and I feel more confident and aligned in the vaccine decisions we are making for our child. This is a result of the fact-based and balanced approach Dr. Elana and Dr. Ari took in creating this course. As we went through the course together, we both were presented with balanced data that had been compiled by trustworthy sources and it was presented in a way that truly felt like they weren’t trying to convince us of what the right thing to do is.

- Rona S

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“How do I know if the Vaccine Empowerment Program is for me?”


✔️ You are pregnant and feeling overwhelmed thinking about your baby’s vaccine plan and don’t want to have to make the choice on your own. 

✔️ You just had a baby and feel exhausted trying to research on your own and just want a quicker way to feel informed and supported.

✔️ You live in a state that mandates vaccines and you want to learn ways to safely support your child in order to enroll him or her in school.


❌ You want a one-size fits all approach to vaccine planning.

❌ You are against all vaccines and not interested in learning the research behind vaccinating versus not vaccinating.

❌ You have teenage children and only interested in college age or adult vaccines. *This program is designed to inform you about all childhood vaccines.


“Leave your pediatrician visits tear-free, like Kaleigh”

"I cannot thank you enough for producing and sharing this information with me. This is what I have been searching for. Your program is beyond anything I could have imagined. I am a neonatal ICU nurse, and I have gone through 3 pediatricians with my son already. I always left every appointment crying and being made to feel crazy. Thank you, thank you, thank you SO much for creating evidenced based truth that any person can understand. I look forward to learning more from you in the future."

Kayleigh T

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Let's Recap

Here's what you'll get

  • 7 Core Modules in pre-recorded video format that you can watch at your own pace (value $1997 )
  • 3 Pre-recorded office hour calls with Drs. Elana & Ari answering the most pressing vaccine related questions. (value $1497 )
  • Bonus # 1: A Deep Dive Into How Vaccines Work & Impact Immune Health (value $347 )
  • Bonus # 2: A Deep Dive Into How Vaccine Impact Neurological Health (value $347)
  • Bonus # 3: TDAP Detox and Immune Protocol During Pregnancy (value $97)
  • Bonus # 4: Scripts to Help Talk About Your Plan (value $147)
  • Bonus # 5: Discount off Vaccine Detox + Immune Supplements (value $100+)
  • Lifetime access to course content (PRICELESS)
  • Ongoing program updates (PRICELESS)


Become your family's most well-informed and educated advocate with the Vaccine Empowerment Program


Pay Once and Save

Join Now for $997

50% Off $498.50

  • Immediate Access
  • 16 Pre-Recorded Videos
  • 24 Downloadable Handouts
  • 3 Pre-Recorded Office Hour Calls
  • 5 Bonus Offers
  • Discount off Vaccine Detox + Immune Supplements
  • Annual Updates
  • Lifetime Access to Program Material
Make One Payment of $498.50


3 Month Payment Plan

Join Now for $379/month

50% Off $189.50/month

  • Immediate Access
  • 16 Pre-Recorded Videos
  • 24 Downloadable Handouts
  • 3 Pre-Recorded Office Hour Calls
  • 5 Bonus Offers
  • Discount off Vaccine Detox + Immune Supplements
  • Annual Updates
  • Lifetime Access to Program Material
Make Three Payments of $189.50
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Is this a question in your mind?

We got you, Mama!

Hey Mama, you made it to the end

Now here’s what we’d tell you if we were sipping cool lemonade on a park bench ...

We know this may feel intimidating and scary, we really get it. Life is so busy as is why do these decisions have to be so hard and heavy? 

But, we believe in you. Your love for your family is extraordinary. Your passion for helping them through sickness and health is what fuels your fire. 

Once you have the resources at your fingertips the heaviness will ease up. We believe in you and we know you can make informed and empowered choices. You got this! You aren’t alone. 

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Become your family's most well-informed and educated advocate with the Vaccine Empowerment Program


Pay Once and Save

Join Now for $997

50% Off $498.50

  • Immediate Access
  • 16 Pre-Recorded Videos
  • 24 Downloadable Handouts
  • 3 Pre-Recorded Office Hour Calls
  • 5 Bonus Offers
  • Discount off Vaccine Detox + Immune Supplements
  • Annual Updates
  • Lifetime Access to Program Material
Make One Payment of $498.50


3 Month Payment Plan

Join Now for $379/month

50% Off $189.50/month

  • Immediate Access
  • 16 Pre-Recorded Videos
  • 24 Downloadable Handouts
  • 3 Pre-Recorded Office Hour Calls
  • 5 Bonus Offers
  • Discount off Vaccine Detox + Immune Supplements
  • Annual Updates
  • Lifetime Access to Program Material
Make Three Payments of $189.50
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"Don't think about it. Join! No Regrets!"

Gracie Y

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